3 Simple Steps to Decrystallise Honey – Nidhoggr Mead Co.

3 Simple Steps to Decrystallise Honey

3 Simple Steps to De-crystallise Honey

We know exactly how frustrating it can be when you go to have some honey on you cereal or toast etc... only to find out it has hardened and crystalised!

So we've put together 3 simple steps to make return it back to its wonderful liquid state.

How to De-crystallise Honey

Step 1
Place your jar of honey with its lid off inside a pot. Pour warm water that should not exceed 44º C (110º F) into the pot and allow to sit until the honey melts. 

Step 2
In five-minute intervals remove your jar from the pot, stir the honey and return it to the warm water. Continue this process until the honey has returned to its liquid consistency state.

Step 3
After your honey has returned to its normal consistency, remove the jar from the pan and allow your honey to cool. Tightly seal the bottle and store at cool to room temperature.

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