Competition Rules – Nidhoggr Mead Co.

Competition Rules

Competition Terms and Conditions,

We Love Mead Competition:

We love to see our mead out in the world, simply upload a photo or video of your Nidhoggr Mead to facebook or instagram (It’s alcohol so please don’t share with children or those under 18!), then tag Nidhoggr Mead Co in it and we'll enter you into our monthly competition. The one we love the most will get a free bottle of mead! 

Ravens Draw:

Simply subscribe to our mailing list (our Ravens!) with your email address to be entered into the monthly draw. We send out a weekly Raven with news, events, the occasional special offer and you’ll be entered into the draw every month so long as you're still subscribed.


Winners are selected and drawn on the last day of the month. Winners will be tagged on social media, and notified by email if the winner has an email address on our ravens list. 

The Winners must provide their choice of flavour, name and their UK address within 7 days of being notified they have won. 

All Entrants must be aged 18 years or over. Winners will be subject to the delivery ID check as per our delivery notice.

The prize is one 70cl bottle of Nidhoggr Mead of any flavour the winner chooses (subject to availability). There is no cash alternative offered. It may take up to 28 days to arrive from the date the winner submitted all the requested information. 

By entering the Ravens Draw you are giving consent to receive marketing messages from Nidhoggr Mead Co subject to our privacy policy. Entrants can opt out at any time upon request and the entrant's data will be deleted. Opting out will withdraw the entrant from any and all future draws.

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