Cocktails Made with Mead – Nidhoggr Mead Co.

Mead Cocktails

Baldur's Garden

75ml - Raspberry & Lemon Mead

25ml - Fresh Lemon

100ml - Prosecco 

Soda Water Top

Beltaine’s Blessing

50ml - Strawberry Gin

25ml - Elderflower Mead

25ml - Lime Juice

12.5ml - Rhubarb Shrub

Foaming Bitters

Shake Over Ice

Salt Rim

Brocc’s Flame

25ml - Scotch Whisky

25ml - Ginger Mead

25ml - Simple Syrup

2 - Dashes of Orange Bitters

2 - Dashes of Angostura Bitters


Byzantine Bliss

50ml - Raspberry & Lemon Mead

25ml - Mozart Dark Chocolate

50ml - Double Espresso

Double Cream

Shake Over Ice

Chocolate Powder On Top

Elderflower Scrolls

20ml - Elderflower Mead 

30ml - London Dry Gin 

120ml - Prosecco 

60ml - Sparkling water 

Garnished with fresh mint & rosemary and orange slice 

By Rage Quit Gaming bar

Freya’s Elixir

25ml - Ginger Mead

2ml - Seaweed Explorers Rum

25ml - Fresh Lime

Lemon Bitters And Stirred

Heidrun Sour

50ml - Traditional Mead

25ml - Explorers Gin

25ml - Lemon Juice

Foaming Bitters

Idunn’s Apple

25ml - Ginger Mead

25ml - Spiced Rum

12.5ml - Croissant Distil

25ml - Apple Juice

1x Dash Of Lime

Loki’s Mischief

75ml - Elderflower Mead 

25ml - Melonade

25ml - Lime 

Built Over Crushed Ice 

Topped With Lemonade

Niflheim Sour

50ml - Raspberry & Lemon Mead

25ml - Yorkshire Gin

25ml - Lemon Juice

Foaming Bitters

Njord’s Tide

25ml - Tequila

25ml - Lemon And Lime Mead

25ml - Lime Juice

Shake Over Ice

Salt Rim

Odin's Eye

25ml - Brandy

25ml - Honey

25ml - Traditional Mead

Garnish With Orange


25ml - Chartreuse

25ml - White Rum

25ml - Traditional Mead

Simple Syrup

Sif's Dream

25ml - Yorkshire Explorer Garden Gin

25ml - Elderflower Mead

25ml - Lime

Crushed Ice

Topped With Soda

Fresh Cucumber And Mint

Tyr’s Bane

25ml - Dark Rum

25ml - Spiced Rum

100ml - Lemon & Lime Mead

25ml - Simple Syrup

Shake Over Ice And Garnish With Mint


Basic Grenadine

25ml - Lemon & Lime Mead

25ml - Mez Cal

12ml - Fellernum

Lime Juice


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